Professional Development: Placements

This is a preview of the Professional Development - Placements 2023-24 form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.


* indicates a required field.

Before you start your application:

What type of placement are you applying for? * Required
Response required.


The applicant must: 

1. Meet the general eligibility requirements as outlined in the Screenwest Terms of Trade * Required
2. Be a Western Australian resident as defined in the Screenwest Terms of Trade. * Required
3. Be 18 years of age or older * Required
4. Demonstrate a track record in their field that aligns with the placement opportunity being applied for * Required
5. Display and ongoing commitment to being a part of the screen or digital games industry in Western Australia and contiue to work and do business with Western Australia * Required
6. Have secured an exceptional placement opportunity with a reputable at-arms-length company / provider – a letter of commitment from the company / provider needs to be provided to Screenwest at the time of application * Required